Sunday, March 10, 2013

Things I Miss

I have Celiacs disease. It's an auto-immune disorder that will not let my body process gluten. In other words, I don't just have allergy to gluten, gluten is poison to my body. I haven't always had it, in fact I am coming up on my one year anniversary of being diagnosed. I have had to change to a gluten free diet. This is not a life choice, but a medical necessity. Life is still good though, the Mrs. is an outstanding cook and has adjusted well to the diet and has been a great support to me.
Lately I have been in some social situations where people ask questions about the disease or want to simply learn more. I am happy to talk to them and enlighten them on the subject, I think the more people know the better. One question I am frequently asked is what do you miss the most. The following is a more lengthy (yet in-complete) list than I usually give.

Cheap Chinese food
Sandwich shops and burger joints
Pasta that costs less than a dollar
Going out to lunch and eating where ever
Company events where dinner is served
Most samples at Costco. And Costco hot dogs
Wedding reception food
French bread from the bakery
Lucky Charms and Captain Crunch
Taco Bell
Big fluffy white dinner rolls
Deep fried state fair food (not that I ate it that much before)
Ice cream cones 
Continental breakfasts (there are still some things I can eat there)
7-11 Slurpees (last I checked they were not gluten free)
 Feeling normal around food.

Well there you have it folks, Things I miss since I went gluten free.