Thursday, January 8, 2015

Harry Potter Reboot

If they reboot Harry Potter in the next five years(ish), here is a list of actors I would like to see in it and some things I would like to see done differently in the movies.


Albus Dumbledore: Jude Law
I would love for a future reboot to feature a younger actor for the role of Dumbledore. I am not saying Dumbledore should be young, I am simply saying that the actor should be younger. Through makeup and special effects, they can make the actor look older.

Severus Snape: Benedict Cumberbatch
I would love to see Snape with a goatee, as described in the book.

Remus Lupin: JJ Feild

Sirius Black: Richard Armitage

Mad Eye Moody: Liam Neeson or David Morrissey

Voldemort: Michael Fassbender

Rubeus Hagrid: John Rhys-Davies

Quirinus Quirrell: Allan Cummings

Minerva McGonagall: Helen Mirren

Barty Crouch Junior: Matthew Goods

Aurthur Weasley: Martin Freeman

Gilderoy Lockhart: Sam Claflin
Lockheart needs to be younger, it was awkward when 12 year olds were crushing on a 42 year old Kenneth Branagh.

Madam Pomfrey: Jennifer Ehle

James Potter: Blake Ritson

Pomona Sprout: Carey Mulligan
Let's get some younger teachers at Hogwarts

Dolores Umbridge: Jane Seymour

Sybil Trelawney: Catherine Tate

Mr. Ollivander: Bernard Cribbins

Bellatrix Lestrange: Billie Piper


I have read the series multiple times, and while I think the movies did a nice job at telling the story, there are some things I would love to see done differently in a reboot:

  • Who the Marauder's are
  • A more in depth conversation between Harry and Dumbledore about the Horcruxes, ie, going into depth about how Tom Riddle would choose objects for his Horcruxes that are tied to his past and to Hogwarts.
  • More memories in Half Blood Prince
  • Take out the ball scene in Goblet of Fire (it took away from the rest of the story)
  • Don't portray Hagrid and the Dursleys as complete idiots 
  • Continuity between films
  • Peeves
  • The world cup
  • I know the books take place in the 90's, but it might be cool if the movies tried a different era, like the late 1800's.

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